This will wipe out everything. Do you want to continue?
Button Legend:
Drag handle. Drag and drop rows to change their order.
Delete a row. (Add a row using the "Add an EC" button.)
ERROR: Too few evaluation criteria (ECs). There must be at least two ECs. Add more and try again.
Evaluation Criteria →
Courses of Action
You need to enter your evaluation criteria first. Go back to the "Evaluation Criteria" tab and enter them.
ERROR: Check your numbers. At least one of them is not a proper number. Make sure there are no commas, no dollar signs ($), no empty cells, etc. Decimals are OK.
ERROR: Division by 0. One of your evaluation criteria (ECs) has the same value for all courses of action. They cannot all be equal. If there are no differences in the values for an EC, there is no point in using it.
ERROR: Too few courses of action (COAs). There must be at least two COAs. Add more and try again.